Today has started off great simply because, I've just gotten yet another paycheck while sleeping. This time this paycheck came by way of one of my favorite websites to socialize on; this website is Squidoo is a great place to earn a steady source of online income and a great place to socialize, and redirect traffic to your personal blog or your very own website.
Squidoo is a place that allows you earn a massive income for promoting things that you love. For instance, I have a profound interest in cake decorating. As a result,I created what squidoo refers to as a lens, and entitled it Unique Handbag Cakes. This lens sparked quite a buzz on squidoo, and even went to the very first page of google within it's first week of rotation. Not to mention, when payday rolled around, I thought it was a joke when i received an email stating it's payday on Squidoo. Imagine my expression when I opened the email, and it showed a detailed print out of royalties totalling almost $40.00, and pending amazon sell of $4.37. Now, I know it doesn't seem like much, but this was just for one lens and a single amazon sell. Imagine what my potential earnings would be if I earned this amount time 20 lenses or even 100 lenses, doing what I love to do.
Not only, have I gained revenue for getting traffic to this lens but, Squidoo allows you monetize through different affliliate programs, like Amazon, Ebay, Zazzle, Etzy, Clickbank, and it allows you to maximize your revenue with Google Adsense. If you look in the right corner under my tool bar you can see my royalties, and my visits. I thought that this was extremely good considering the fact, that I'm no internet Guru, and I'd only spent a few hours posting Unique Handbag Cakes, that I thought were adorable. This was motivation for me to attempt to earn more money and to gain more traffic. So I set out on a quest to find out what works on Squidoo.
I found tons of information and great lensmasters that had mastered the task of making a living online via Squidoo. Eventually I came across a book that was entitled Squidoo Basics. This book helped me more than double my squidoo revenue; check it out Click Here!
Squidoo basics helped me learn how to use squidoo to promote my own daily blog @ What Is This World Coming To? ; it also teaches other streams of online income; For instance, it introduced me officially to the concept of affiliate marketing. As a result, I joined infolinks, and have managed to make an additional $100.00 on this site alone. It also taught me to find a niche that works, and then repeat the process over and over again.
For instance, I am a big fan of Nicki Minaj and decided to promote a new lens that celebrated her. I created a lens that pretty much marketed Sexy Nicki Minaj Catsuits. This lens single replaced Unique Handbag Cakes as number one, and pretty much introduced me to another stream of income via Amazon.
Squidoo is also an awesome place to socialize, and with the direction of successful lensmasters like Squidoo Queen, who has mastered the art of marketing through Squidoo. Check out some her tactics now, Click Here!